Enrollment for 2025 Bridging the Gap is now open!  Click Here 


Courses That Suit

Your Professional

Development Needs


Courses That Suit Your Professional Development Needs


Professional Development and Training for Interpreters & Translators

Broaden your interpreter skill set and prepare for new career opportunities with Liberty Language Services. Through the Academy of Interpretation’s Education Affiliate Program, gain access to a wealth of expertise and resources in various settings. We leverage the AOI’s course offerings to provide interpreters and translators with top-notch training, professional development, and industry-specific best practices.

professional development and training for interpreters and translators

Get Qualified as a
Professional Interpreter

We offer all interpreters and translators professional development opportunities. Our curriculum will equip students with the necessary language skills and knowledge to excel in their roles, whether they are working in healthcare, legal, educational, or other specialized settings.


Deepen Your Professional
Knowledge and Develop Your Skills

We’re proud to offer affordable online professional development workshops. We welcome all interpreters to our courses. Anyone with interpreting experience is free to enroll in our courses that range in topics tailored to the unique demands of the language services industry.


Demonstrate Your Fluency
and Gain a Qualification

The Liberty Language Services Proficiency Test is one of the industry’s most convenient ways to prove your fluency. Instead of a standardized written exam, you take an oral exam to gain a professional qualification that demonstrates your working language fluency.

Course Catalog

Language of Justice

Language of Justice

Earn your Professional Legal Interpreter credential with live, in-person training in just 3 class sessions. In this course, you’ll get an in-depth look into one of the most in-demand fields of interpreting today.

Your Instructors

Mr. Abdelkader


Mr. Abdelkader is the Director of our Education Department and is the lead instructor for two medical interpreter training courses: the nationally recognized 40-hour Bridging the Gap (BTG) course and the 48-hour The Community Interpreter: Medical Edition course. In 2012, Sameh delivered the BTG course to over 120 students.

Mr. Abdelkader has over 22 years of experience in education and has brought his skills in management, teaching, training, recruitment, and cultural competency to Liberty Language Services.

Mr. Abdelkader holds a B.A. in English from Zagzig University in Sharkya, Egypt. In addition to being a licensed trainer for BTG and The Community Interpreter: Medical Edition, he is also a licensed trainer for the legal interpreter training course, The Language of Justice. As an educator and member of the IMIA, he adheres to the IMIA Educators Code of Ethics.

Professional Certifications

  • 40-hour Interpreting in Health and Community Settings (NVAHEC)
  • 40-hour Bridging the Gap Medical Interpreter Training Course
  • The Community Interpreter Training of Trainers (TOT)
  • 3-day Language of Justice Legal Interpreter Training
  • Bridging the Gap TOT
  • The Language of Justice TOT
  • Awarded “Distinction in Interpreter Education” IMIA 2015
  • Completed a 16-Hour Online Training of Trainers: The Interpreter Trainer Online

“I felt that the instructors really love what they do and care for their students’ success. There was an “open door” for anyone with questions and concerns. All in all, I learned more than I expected as far as tools that will contribute to my success in the field of medical interpreting.”

-Jean Cyprien

“Mr. Sameh was very knowledgeable, passionate, and open-minded. He was there to help everyone. I believe he delivered in the best way possible.”

-Neji Amara

“I really admired the great connection that Mr. Drew and Maria Teresa had with the students. They were very helpful and understanding, and were willing to help in any possible way. Liberty Language should be proud of having these two amazing people.”

-Magdalena Sosa

“I’d like to thank Mr. Sameh Abdelkader and the Education Team for their efforts in creating a wonderful medical interpreter training. The online course provided us with useful knowledge on how to succeed in this profession or just get started as it was in my case.”

-Lourdes Reyes

“I want to express my sincerest appreciation to Mr. Abdelkder and the staff of Liberty Language Services for their tremendous efforts in putting together the Bridging the Gap training. Taking this class was truly an enjoyable experience and I look forward to the opportunity to be of service to others as a qualified medical interpreter.”

-Richard Yoshimachi

“It was an honor and pleasure to take class with Professor Sameh. During the Bridging the Gap training course, I learned not only about the important aspects of becoming a medical interpreter but also gained valuable tips on how I can improve my social life in our multicultural society.”

-Mohammad Raees

“What sets Mr. Sameh Abdelkader apart from his fellow instructors are his constant pleasant demeanor and genuine concern for making sure his trainees are happy and successfully trained. During my time taking the Bridging the Gap training course (for medical interpreters), I found Mr. Abdelkader to be courteous and conscientious, truly displaying excellence in his profession.”

-May Alsouz

“I enjoyed every minute of Mr. Abdalkader’s lectures; very informative and stimulating. The great professionalism, constant support, and generosity you showed are greatly appreciated. I am so glad that I got the chance to take Bridging the Gap with you.”

-Tasnim Naimi

Maria Teresa AOI Educator

Maria Teresa Buendia


Ms. Buendia is the Assistant Director of our Education Department and is an interpreter trainer and certified healthcare interpreter (CHI) for Spanish/English and has held CHI Spanish certification since 2013. Maria Teresa is a licensed instructor for Bridging the Gap and instructor for the training course Behavioral Health Interpreting developed by the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. She is an experienced video remote interpreter and, since 2020, has trained over 250 interpreters for remote video interpreting and telemedicine interpreting assignments.

Additionally, she developed new and updated language proficiency tests, including specialized tests for public schools, behavioral health, and medical settings. Maria Teresa has a degree in microbiology from Universidad de Los Andes Bogotá, Colombia. In April 2021, she was a presenter at the annual Virginia Language Access Conference.

Professional Certifications

  • CHI for Spanish and English
  • Trained over 250 interpreters for remote video interpreting and telemedicine interpreting assignments
  • Instructor for Bridging the Gap
  • Instructor for the training course Behavioral Health Interpreting


Liberty Language Services really cares about the growth and development of their interpreters. If ever any issues arise during assignments, Liberty's team makes sure to listen to the interpreter and coach them on how to maintain their professionalism in the given situation.
Durra Kapchy
Arabic Interpreter
I value the opportunity accorded to me by Liberty to be their independent contractor back in 2019. I have been met with courtesy from all and deal with friendly, great people all the while.

Eddie Ho
Cantonese Interpreter

Proudly serving the public and private sectors with integrity and a commitment to empowering communication.